The Best Time Management Tool Is Yourself And Your Actions Don’t fool yourself. Your Best Time Management Tool only provides optimal planning for your project tasks. As a goal-driven person, you certainly enjoy having the big picture of your projects in one...
There’s nothing new here; you read this everywhere when you’re interested in entrepreneurship. The shiny object syndrome, sometimes abbreviated SOS, is detrimental to productivity. Focus is essential. Execution is everything. Easier said than done, even...
Pareto your time and energy across the day so you’re always the best of yourself: your mood, motivation, and ability to do specific tasks vary. A Pareto approach to your time and energy is a powerful method to maximize productivity and well-being and any...
Why should I ask an Excel VBA Expert? An Excel Expert can help you to get your Excel job done in a professional and timely manner. It can be an intelligent time-management decision if the relevant VBA expertise is not available in your resources within the desired...
What is the Eisenhower Matrix? The Urgent-Important Matrix, more commonly known as The Eisenhower Matrix, is a simple but highly-effective time management tool using only four quadrants to prioritize tasks and increase productivity. The four quadrants of the...
What is Murphy’s Law? Murphy’s Law is the common adage that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” It is a fatalistic view of how things tend to turn out in life in general. Murphy’s Law doesn’t demonstrate anything nor explain...